“Please do not adjust your sets. There is nothing wrong with your computer screen.”
Ta daaa! It is with great pleasure that I can finally show you the cover for How To Eat Loads And Stay Slim!
If you’re a reader of Peter’s book How To Do Everything and Be Happy this might seem oddly familiar. And so it should. The original book jacket for Peter’s ‘Happy’ book was very similar – different colours, different silhouette, but the same basic layout and iconic star burst background. It proved a popular cover, but when Peter and I came to think about this book there was another very good reason why it was time to dust off the old design and give it a new lease of life.
Just like it’s predecessor, throughout the new book you’ll come across various ‘Action Points’. The idea is that you stop, address the action, and then continue. But where ‘Slim’ differs is that each of the Action Points has a ‘star rating’.
You earn one star just for buying the book (did you spot that line of blue text along the bottom?), and with every additional star you acquire you will steadily increase your chances of being able to eat loads AND stay slim. Collect enough stars (thirty or more would be a good target to have) and Peter and I personally guarantee that a slim figure, coupled with a healthy but satiated appetite, are yours for the taking. And all you have to do to earn a star is complete an action point.
Back to the cover though. Peter and I can’t really take any credit for what you see before you. Both covers were designed by Ellen – who having taken our suggestions into consideration, ignored them completely and blew our socks off with the colourful creation you see today.
Ellen is an extremely talented young woman. Together with her business partner and fellow wordsmith Dan (hello Dan), they work for an advertising agency that’s going places. As well as the rather funky clothing company extragged.com
To finish up I thought I’d share with you the following video that Ellen helped create for Sir Paul McCartney (to be played behind him and the band during the American leg of his world tour)! It basically involved locking Ellen in a room for two weeks with a huge blackboard and getting her to draw whatever came to mind to the song Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, with occasional input on the phone from Sir Paul himself. The result is pretty stunning. Like I said, talented young woman.
If you’re reading this in your email or you can’t see the video – click here
How To eat Loads and Stay Slim will be available May 2013. To find out more visit the website here, the facebook page here, and the twitter feed here.

Looks great. We have Peter’s book with original cover too – and converted to his Boxing Days, so looking forward to reading about the stars! Good luck with launch.