What do you think of this for a ‘virtually fat free’ dessert? It’s one of the recipes from the How to Eat Loads and Stay Slim how to eat loads and stay slim.com. I thought you might like a sneak preview. Please do go and check out the others when you have a spare moment.
Fruit Kebabs with Stawberry Coulis and Chocolate Dip – serves four
These are quite impressive for a deliciously light summer afternoon dessert – when you have guests coming.
Ready in about thirty minutes (not including chilling dips)
For the kebabs
- 10 or so strawberries
- 2 bananas
- 1 lime
- Dusting of icing sugar to serve
- Mint leaves to garnish
For the coulis
- 225 g (9 oz) of strawberries
- 1 orange (2 tangerines work well too)
- 1 – 2 tsps artificial sweetener
For the chocolate dip
- 1 pot of natural fat free yoghurt (I use Total 0 per cent)
- 1 heaped teaspoon of Nutella or any other chocolate spread (but not so heaped you can get the whole jar on it). It’s easier if the Nutella isn’t too cold.
NB Prepare the coulis and chocolate dip first so they can be refrigerated.
For the Coulis
Hull and roughly chop strawberries. Grate orange zest and squeeze orange. Put all the coulis ingredients into a blender and blitz till smooth. Chill. (That’s the coulis, not you. Though by all means chill too if you want to)
For the chocolate dip
Mix together yoghurt and Nutella vey well, then return to fridge to chill. (tiny strips of lime can be used for garnish – if you don’t have any mint handy).
For skewers – do them just prior to eating
Hull and chop the strawberries, peel the bananas and cut into chunks. Grate the lime zest, cut the lime in half and squeeze out juice. Thread strawberries and bananas alternately on to skewers, sprinkle with lime juice and zest, and then dust with icing sugar.
Very yummy and so virtuous you can put your halo on while you are eating them 🙂
And this is the book that inspired this recipe and quite a few others – some are in the book itself, and the ones that aren’t are on our website – or will be shortly. In the meantime, if you’d like to know more about How to Eat Loads and Stay Slim, and how to get it for very little – or in some formats free – keep reading.
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As you read this we’re hoping that the UK will be bathed in glorious sunshine – but regardless of whether the summer has finally decided to put in an appearance, the ebook edition is available for a mere 99p, for the duration of the bank holiday weekend. Come Tuesday morning the price goes back up! Get it now!
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You can read more about Della’s experience of recording the book here.
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The paperback edition will be available in just a couple of weeks – early June we hope – also from amazon. But the first five people who leave us a favourable review on amazon, for either of the editions that are there now, will get a paperback, signed by both of us, for FREE, when it comes out.
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That dessert looks lovely!