This year, as I mentioned in my last blog, I’m attempting to write 50,000 words of short stories during the month of November for Nanowrimo. We are 7 days in. I thought you might like to know how I’m getting on.
- I’ve written 14,000 words so far in 7 days.
- I’ve started ten stories.
- I’ve finished eight of them in first draft.
- So far I’ve edited two and sent two out.
Yay, so it feels like I am achieving something.
My week started with a bang. Last weekend I was on a roll. The words flowed. I wrote one longish story (2700 words), quite emotional, good structure that I liked a lot. Then another two pager (2000 words) which was lighthearted and fun. Quite liked this one too.
The next story I started, which was supposed to be a very short one pager decided it might quite like to be a serial. That’s one of the ones I haven’t finished, it’s about 2000 words currently.
Then came the one pagers, two of which are finished, edited and sent. The rest all need editing and I’m not sure I’m happy with the endings. I rarely am happy with my endings straight off.
It’s harder some days than others. It’s pretty full on writing like this. And I find it quite tiring.
Enjoyment Factor
Mostly, however, I am having a wonderful time. I think I mentioned that before. It’s incredibly freeing. I’m not obsessing over any of the stories or worrying about them. I can’t even remember exactly what I’ve written.
Grass roots
It takes me back to when I began writing short stories. I used to write at speed then. When I started to write full time, I wrote three stories a week. Every week. One on Monday morning, one on Monday afternoon, one on Tuesday morning. The remainder of the week was spent editing these three, teaching my five writing classes and editing any rewrites/rejections that came back in. I don’t do that any more. There seems to be far more PR and publicity work to do. Oh and I don’t think there was much social media then either.
The Down Side
Is there one? Yes, possibly.
- A part of me really really wants to edit as I go. It’s hard to resist that. It’s difficult to discipline myself not to look at yesterday’s story.
- It also means I had to cancel virtually everything else I do in November. Apart from prebooked essentials, for example, tomorrow I’m teaching at Woman’s Weekly all day. I will leave my house at 5.45 a.m. and get back about 10.00 pm. I won’t be writing any Nano tomorrow. Mind you, if I was going on the train I would have done!
- I’ve had to virtually give up social media. (is that a down side!) Oh, and answering emails.
- My friends think I’m dead!
- Oh, and I’m also moving house, which is slightly stressing me out. Haven’t packed much!
Week Two
This may be harder as I have 3 other commitments this week. I will report back. How is everyone else getting on? Don’t forget, if you need any help with short stories, The Short Story Writer’s Toolshed is quite good. Even if I do say so myself! 🙂

Moving, as well?
Heavens to Betsy…
Just here cheering you on!
Yes, that was a bad move, Penny. Pun intended!
Wow. I’m impressed.