That time of year again! How does Christmas creep up on us so fast?
If you’re anything like me you’ve got one or two writers in your life so I thought I’d share some of my present ideas 🙂
I discovered this company a couple of years ago – The Literary Gift Company It’s great if you want something for the writer in your life. They do everything from pens inscribed, ‘write a bestseller with this’ to chocolate bars inscribed with the words, ‘go away I’m writing.’ If anyone is stuck for a present for me, er hem, I love chocolate!
A signed book is always great too – especially if it’s about writing. Might I suggest one of mine, perhaps the Short Story Writer’s Toolshed although one of yours is probably better if you have one.  🙂
The ultimate gift is surely a dedication. You could dedicate your own book to a loved one.
You don’t have a book to dedicate? Why not? Is it because you haven’t got the technical side of things sorted out? Then you might like to check out this company, who will do it for you for a very reasonable cost. I highly recommend A friend of mine recently self published her memoir with them to give to her dying mother. What an amazing gift.
Or how about a gift for you? A writing holiday perhaps if your partner is feeling flush? There are still places on my weekend writing course Write a Story Step by Step which takes place from 28th February to 2nd March in a beautiful hotel in Pembrokeshire.
Or maybe a novel to curl up by the fire with, Ice and a Slice is good, I’m told 🙂 Or for the slimmer in your life, How to Eat Loads and Stay Slim, maybe?
Or maybe even a gift to yourself. If you are anywhere near the Bournemouth area I teach weekly writing classes on Thursday evenings and Friday mornings. My new term starts on 9 and 10th January. I would love to see you there. I will do my best to inspire you throughout the year.
By the way I once received an amazing gift and it cost the giver nothing at all. It was a certificate promising me he would dedicate his first published book to me. What an awesome gift. So maybe if you do happen to have a book in the pipeline…?
Happy gift hunting. And Happy Christmas.
love Della xx

Fabulous ideas Della! I am loving The Literary Gift Company – I think I’ll spend some time on that site and make a wish list 🙂
Yes, what a good plan, Samantha. me too 🙂
Tut. Should have read this BEFORE I finally started my Xmas shopping! I wonder if it’s too late for me to drop a few hints…
It’s never too late to drop Christmas prezzie hints, Karen 😉