Well, first of all, I have to say this now because it might never happen again. I am famous. Look – it says so in the Bournemouth Echo. OK so it’s in very small print, in column four, halfway down, but it does say it – it really does say famous author 🙂  I’m still waiting for the ‘rich’ bit to kick in. But one out of two isn’t bad. And it’s my birthday today, so a nice day for it to happen!
This article arose because Pam Fudge and I are teaching ‘How to Write Your First Novel’ at Bournemouth Library on Saturday 25th May. Do come along and join us if you fancy it. We are both really looking forward to it. It’s at 10.00 till 4.00 and costs £30.00, which is pretty good value because you’ll get two ‘famous authors’ for the price of one!
While I’m on the subject of Saturday courses, if you’ve ever fancied writing a memoir – I’ll be teaching How to Write Your Memoir/autobiography (or biography for someone else) on the 15th June. That’s at Kinson Community Centre in Bournemouth, also 10.00 till 4.00. £35.00. (please email me if you’d like to book).
Saturday 25th is also the day my book, co written with Peter Jones is coming out. That’s called How to Eat Loads and Stay Slim. So the 25th is a red letter day for me. Gosh, showing my age there, red letter day is quite old fashioned, isn’t it.
How To Eat Loads and Stay Slim isn’t a diet book. Not in the traditional sense.
It’s  a mixture of hard science (eg. how hunger really works), quick ‘cheats’ (eg. how to make zero fat chips), psychological techniques (eg. why focusing on your food as you eat is really important), ingenious strategies (eg. how to cut down on sugar without going cold turkey), and easy peasy recipes (eg. Peter’s roast potato & egg smashup breakfast or Della’s apple ginger clafouti) – all served up in an easy-to-digest, humourous read from authors who’ve been where you are now.
Each of thought provoking, scientifically-provable, idea has a STAR RATING. There are fifty four stars available. You get one just for buying the book! Collect enough and you’ll steadily increase your chances of being able to eat loads AND stay slim. Collect enough stars (thirty or more would be a good target to have) and we personally guarantee that a slim figure, coupled with a healthy but satiated appetite, are yours for the taking. No dieting required.
And most excitingly of all, my new novel, Ice and a Slice is coming out in paperback in June. How exciting is that. Ice and a Slice is already out for Kindle enabled devices and has 22 five star reviews. Here’s the latest one.
I hesitate to add yet another 5 star review to Ice and a Slice but I can’t help myself. Here is a novel which captured me after the first few pages – I just had to know whether the key character would end up in life’s gutter or if she would manage to climb out of the pit of despair. The surrounding characters, too, all slotted in perfectly; I occasionally loathed or loved them. But, of course, from reading her previous works I know Della Galton is blessed with the ability to take the reader on an emotional roller-coaster. It’s a ride well worth taking.
I know I am blowing my own trumpet today (but it is my birthday). And to be honest, life has been pretty tough lately on a personal level. So it’s nice to have something good to report. Please forgive me. Writing has been my salvation, my escape and the one really good and consistent thing in my life this last year. Â Where would I be without it? To be honest I really don’t want to answer that question. I certainly wouldn’t be very sane.
And I have enough friends reading this blog, who I know have been through some very tough personal stuff too, and have found writing to be a golden thread. So let’s hope this year is going to be a brilliant one for us all.
Thank you for reading. And happy writing. 🙂

Happy birthday, Della! I hope things turn around for you soon on the ‘personal’ front and I wish you continued success with your writing. If I lived nearer, I’d definitely be booking up for your courses! x
Thank you very much, Helen. Am having a lovely day today. And thanks re courses 🙂
Happy Birthday, Della!
Of course you are famous – you were guest post on my blog!! Have a wonderful birthday, Della.
All these successes – so well deserved. Can’t wait for Ice and a Slice paperback – even though I’ve read it I’ll want the paperback to add to my ‘buddy bookshelf’, signed of course!