A few words today from Peter Jones my esteemed co-author, about our latest book 🙂
And do please go along to his new look website to find out about more of his work.
I’m delighted to announce that as promised the paperback edition of How To Eat Loads And Stay Slim is now available from amazon (.co.uk | .com) – or from your favourite bookstore (get them to order it in; ISBN: 978-1490318844).
The paperback has a number of advantages over it’s ebook and audio cousins. Here’s just a few…
- Unlike the audio and ebook, you can’t ‘switch it off’. It sits there as a constant reminder of the promise you made yourself on the first action point, and the smart-eating principals within.
- You can write in it! Which means you can jot down notes as you go along, check off the action points you’ve done, and on page 180 put a ‘tick’ next to the stars you’ve earned.
- You can spill food and drink on it and it still works (useful if you’re propping it up on the kitchen worktop whilst trying out a recipe).
- It’s sand proof (good for the beach).
- And bath proof. Sort of.
- You can use it to temporarily prop up wonky table legs in restaurants.
- And once you’re gorgeously slender and no longer need it you can sell it, give it to your friends, or donate it to charity – all without a lot of technical messing about or worrying about ‘DRM’ (digital rights management – like you wanted to know that)
Right now the paperback is a mere £6.74 or $8.99 (depending on whether amazon (.co.uk | .com) have shaved a few pence off the price), and as summer’s either here or just around the corner why not use this an an opportunity to change the way you look at food, and take a few steps towards a slimmer you.
If you won a copy of the paperback in our recent promo, it’ll be on its way to you by the end of the week.
Thanks so much, Peter, some very good points, and here is one last slightly tongue in cheek reason to buy the paperback from me:
A paperback makes a much better fly swatter in the garden than a kindle – so what are you waiting for 🙂