A very quick blog to say festive greetings and also, I must apologize for the distinct lack of reading material I’ve produced lately. In the last few weeks I’ve been moving out of my house, trying to find a new one, and sorting out Christmas, all whilst working as usual. Slightly tricky, even for a workaholic like me. So I just wanted to say, have a fabulous Christmas everyone. Full service shall be resumed in the New Year and thank you for following my blog 🙂

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas, Della and hope the move goes OK x
Happy Christmas, Della, and all the best for 2014
Merry Christmas, Della, and hope you find the perfect house, if you haven’t already done so. Thanks for all your words of wisdom over the past twelve months.
Am hoping I may have found the perfect house, Julie, will report back soon. Currently in temporary accommodation with a hound dog 🙂
Happy Christmas, Della.
Thanks for the blog, Della, and hope you enjoy your Christmas wherever you are!