Just a little bit of feedback from me this week regarding the Wells Literature Festival where I did a workshop on Writing and Selling Short Stories on Sunday 13 October. I hadn’t realised I’d be teaching in the Bishop’s Palace. Wow! I felt quite intimidated when I saw the building. But on the other hand, what an inspiring place to work! Here are some pictures I thought you might like.
My group of 21 students wrote an opening paragraph and then read it out for feedback. I think they enjoyed it as much as I did. At four pm I gave out the prizes to the first, second and third prizewinners of the short story competition. Well, actually I didn’t, as none of them were there. So if you did enter, and you didn’t go to the prizegiving you may well be in for a lovely surprise. Do check out the results which should be on the website here any day now. My lips are sealed until the festival has updated its website.
And in the meantime, thanks to the students who came to my workshop. I hope to see you all in print very soon.
While you’re here, please check out my two writing guides. How to Write and Sell Short Stories published by Accent Press and The Short Story Writers’ Toolshed published by Soundhaven.com

Lovely venue.
It was, it was 🙂