Fifteen months and 10,000 sales after its initial release, friend and fellow author Peter Jones releases the second edition of his best-selling self-help book How To Do Everything and Be Happy. To say he’s pleased might be something of an understatement. Tell us more about it Peter…
Who’d have thunk it. It’s probably a little under two years since I first penned the opening chapter to what became How To Do Everything and Be Happy. And now, all these months later, a revised an updated version of the book, featuring new sections and reader feedback, is released today.
For me, the most exciting part of this re-launch is the fact that it’ll be available in an entirely new format – audio!
The audio version is part of a three-book deal that Della and I signed with audible – the internet’s largest supplier of spoken word audio entertainment – back in February. This was a very exciting moment for me, not least because I myself have been a long time member of audible and many of the books that I’ve “read” over the years have actually been read to me whilst I’ve driven to and from various places of work. Some authors don’t feel fully-published unless they can pull their book from a shelf and riffle through the pages. Bizarre though it may sound I feel the pretty much the same about what my mother describes as “talking books”. Having my book available in all three formats feels like a significant achievement.
From today you’ll be able to download the second edition of How To Do Everything and Be Happy from audible ( | .com), and hear the book “read by the author” (in other words, me)!
It’s all very exciting!
Download ‘How To Do Everything and Be Happy‘ NOW, for FREE!
As a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who’s supported me over the past fifteen months, I’m offering the new version of the ebook FREE, from amazon ( | .com), for your kindle enabled reading device for a limited period. Yes, you (and your friends, family, neighbours, co-workers…) can download the book for nothing – but you’ve got to be quick! Download the new version of the book from amazon ( | .com) on (and around) the 8th, with my sincere and heartfelt thanks.
In the meantime, Happy Reading – and here’s to the next ten thousand sales 🙂
Find out more about the book How To Do Everything And Be Happy and visit Peter at his blog

Wow! That is some accomplishment. Congratulations. Thank you for your generous offer too! I’m off to do some downloading 🙂
You’re very welcome Diane. Hope you enjoy 🙂
Thanks – I’ll download it immediately.
And 10,000 people can’t be wrong. I can’t wait to hear it on audio.