Today I had my first ever Boxing Day – obviously, I am not talking about the ones you get every year on the 26 December, but the extra ones you can have – you didn’t know about those? Well, I’m guessing you haven’t read, How To Do Everything And Be Happy by my friend and fellow author, Peter Jones, who suggests you simply schedule them in to your diary, as and when!
The rules are – as I understand them – that you must not plan what you are going to do; you simply get up and do whatever you fancy. I’ve been feeling somewhat jaded lately and a day of doing whatever I fancied seemed like a mighty fine idea.
So here’s how my Boxing Day went.
Got up late (7.45 a.m.) which meant I had to listen to a rendition of the Hound Dog’s song, he’s the Irish Wolfhound, with a few barks thrown in. Ah well, everything has its price.
8.00 a.m.
Decided to take the hounds to the bluebell woods near me – where I don’t usually have time to go and it was utterly gorgeous. We were out for more than an hour and we saw a deer (Maggie chased it) and a man with an Australian Huntaway hound which is apparently a cross between a Labrador, a Border Collie and a German Shepherd.
Caught up with the 70 or so emails I had in my inbox. Not sure this was not strictly what I fancied doing but I get stressed if I don’t do it.
Decided to write some of the novel I started last year. You may remember I went off to a writing retreat cottage back in September and I have done very little of it since. Well, I’m up to 22k, which isn’t too bad, I guess. But not too good either. Unfortunately I decided it was all rubbish and ended up cutting out great swathes – and henceforth ended up with even fewer words. However, in the cutting I also discovered that a character who had been a bit flat, suddenly sprung to life. So all was not lost. And I am inspired to continue.
Had Easter Egg for lunch. Which was definitely very yummy. Especially as it was not mine, but stolen from my husband’s secret (he thinks) stash. I meant to photograph this, but I’d eaten it before I remembered. (It was a cream egg one if you’re interested!)
Got depressed with disappearing novel, so decided to work. Work is allowed on a Boxing Day as long as it’s what you really want to do. Registers and lesson plans for my creative writing classes weren’t strictly what I wanted to do – but it was quite satisfying to do them.
Later afternoon
Suddenly remembered the deadline for my Agony Aunt page was tomorrow – and it wasn’t quite edited. So decided to rectify that, too.
Still working – this Boxing Day is turning out much like any other day, oh dear!
I don’t think I have quite mastered the art of having a Boxing Day. Although, I have to say, I had some very good Boxing Day moments. The bluebell woods and the Easter egg being highlights!
I obviously need more practice. So am scheduling another one in very soon!
If you’d like to know more about Boxing Days – and how you really should do them, check out this link: And please do report back – I’d love to know how you got on.

Hello Della. I must check out that link. Mmmmm interesting lunch, lol.
Hmmmm. Six out of ten. Could do better.
Sounds like you need some of my ‘advanced Boxing Day tips’!
I’ve done exactly the same – not had a Boxing day exactly, but decided to have a do-as-I-like day and ended up sitting at my desk 😉 Maggie looks beautiful in the bluebells x
I’m blushing. You have a dog called Maggie May. She’s beautiful, of course.
Well, of course she is beautiful. It’s all in the name, isn’t it 🙂