I have finally caught up with the technological age and had a bright idea. Well, it does occasionally happen! That comment was directed at my mum, by the way, who is shaking her head in disbelief.
I have persuaded a publisher to publish some of my back list of short stories.
We were talking about the fleetingness of beautiful things, were we not? And short stories are like that, aren’t they? All that hard work – craft and graft – I think short stories are a mixture of the two – and then they are published in a magazine (if you are lucky) for a week. And then they are gone for ever.
I have written novels and serials and full length non fiction. Like many of us I have had hundreds of thousands of words published, but I am aware that some of my very best writing is in my short stories. Some of the issues I feel passionately about are in my short stories, some of my best characters, my most profound emotions are in my short stories – and there are some pretty hot men in the romances too! And it seems such a shame that their life span is a week.
Well, now it isn’t. I have chosen some of my favourite stories from the last twenty five years and the first two issues have just been launched by SoundHaven.com. What’s more, if you’re really really quick, you can download ‘Lessons In Love‘, the first in the series, for absolutely nothing.
Yes you read that correctly. Today it’s FREE!!
The first two issues of Daily Della feature romances. They are a mixture of tender, funny, romantic and poignant, and they all have rather hunky heroes. If I say so myself! You can’t have a romance without a hot man!
I’ve called them Daily Della because there are five short stories in each, ranging in length from 1500 to 4000 words – one for every day of the week.
So I am proud to present them – and I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed bringing them out for their second chance at fame.
with love
Della xx
Lessons in Love – Daily Della issue one
Only £1.99 (or dollar equivalent).
Read the first few pages for free.
Purchase it now from amazon.co.uk | amazon.com
Waiting – Daily Della issue two
Only £1.99 (or dollar equivalent).
Read the first few pages for free.
Purchase it now from amazon.co.uk | amazon.com

What a lovely idea. Thank you Della 🙂
thank YOU for reading 🙂
Thanks Della. Hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Thanks Tracy, I did xxx