Had some great questions today in Dear Della, including one from a writer who was despondent because she’d had quite a few rejections for her first novel.
We all know how that feels, I know I do. Maybe writers are masochistic. How many professions are there that involve working flat out for a year, pouring your heart and soul into something, and then trying to sell it and finding that the rest of the world doesn’t share your passion?
And we don’t just do it once, do we? Oh no, we carry on, year in, year out with this impossible dream. I wrote four novels before I found a publisher for number four.
On a happier note – my brand new non-fiction book is just about to go to print. Here is the cover. I am so thrilled with it.
I don’t think there is anything else like it on the market because while there are heaps of books aimed at writing your first novel, not many of them show you the actual ‘differences’ between short stories and novels. I discovered via painful experience that there were lots.

Well done on an original idea for your new book Della, I hope it does really well!
Fingers crossed it may be out for Christmas 😉
Thank you xx
I’m really looking forward to reading this book when it comes out. Glad there’s a date for it now!
Thanks Kath and well done on the competition – fab story xx
This is exactly the book I need, having reached almost the halfway point of a novel after concentrating on short stories for four years. Writing the novel feels so different I can hardly recognise it as my work!
What a good idea. Having been lucky enough to attend one of your short story writing courses, I’m sure this book will be full of invaluable advice.
Do tell your correspondent that We Need to Talk About Kevin had 60 rejections before it was published, and it’s been a bestseller (deservedly) for years now. Also, that the market is very dodgy at the moment, with publishers increasingly relluctant to take any risks. “Quite a few” rejections doesn’t sound too bad (as we all know!).
Congratulations on the new book!
Thanks Frances. I’ve replied now via WF, but you’re right. Good advice.
So good to hear you have a blog now Della. Is your book available in the shops? I don’t order over the internet.
Hello, Maggie May,
Publication date is 5 January 2012, but yes you should certainly be able to order it in shops now. Thank you!
Or I am quite happy to send you one if you’d like to order from me direct. I can even sign it for you if you like?
But it would cost you an extra pound for post and packing.
I’ll be ordering on my next visit to town. Thanks Della.
Hi Della
Welcome to blogworld 🙂
Have enjoyed your posts so far – am intending to get the new book in Jan. Roger – bless him – bought me The Dog With Nine Lives, to keep me busy in the meantime, and it’s a lovely read … It’s just a shame I have to leave it on the bedside table to come to work !
Skip work I say!
I’ve dropped some not so subtle hints to my OH – that worked with How to Write and Sell Short Stories, so I’m hoping to be ‘surprised’ with this book when it comes out!
Hello Della. Congrats on all your successes to date. Was thrilled to find out you have this blog. I got the link from womagwriter’s blog. Love the idea you’ve gone with for your new book. I am looking forward to reading it. I wish you every success!
Thanks Diane