Just a quick note to introduce Peter Jones, who is my guest blogger today and the tutor of my next Saturday course in Bournemouth on 1st December.  Peter is the author of How to Do Everything and be Happy, which he self published both electronically and in print, and which turned out to be rather successful. I’ll let him tell you about that. 🙂 But suffice to say he knows his stuff. Although I am not teaching this course I shall be there to hold his hand so to speak. And I can vouch for his course personally as I have attended it myself. If you are in the business of self publishing (or you want to be) then I don’t think you’ll find a much finer tutor on the subject than Peter. So over to you, honey.
Many people know me as the author of How To Do Everything and Be Happy. Few people realise however that it was originally self-published, first as an ebook, and then a paperback, and that the sales went so well that the second edition was snapped up by audible.com (the audio book people) and re-published by Harper Collins (new paperback version available to pre-order now on amazon or download as an e-book – blah blah blah) .
A spin off of all this self-publishing malarkey was being asked if I’d like to run a two part mini-course on “e-publishing” as part of the Swanwick Summer Writer’s School. I did, and it was a blast! So much so that I’m doing it again, in Bournemouth, on the 1st of December! I humbly present to you…
ePublishing – (self) Publishing & Publicity in the digital age
Course Content
Whether you want to publish a print book, an e-book, or even an audio book, this one day course will ensure that your first steps in the world of e-publishing are in the right direction.
In the morning we’ll be covering the different options available to the modern e-publisher, how to get started, and pitfalls to avoid. In the afternoon we cover the real work of e-publishing – publicity – with a whistle stop tour of websites, blogging, facebook, twitter, reviews, competitions, give-aways, and pricing.
Is the Course for you?
This course is aimed at those who think they might want to self-publish a work of fiction or non-fiction that is mainly, or completely, text. It may also be of interest to established self-published authors who are struggling with book-marketing, or who aren’t seeing the book sales they would like.
What will you achieve?
By the end of the day you’ll know everything you need to know about ePublishing, the skills required, the costs involved, whether it’s for you, and how to get started.
You’ll also have a step-by-step marketing plan tailored to your own personal skills, abilities and time constraints.
Time and Cost
Saturday 1st December 2012
10.00 am (prompt)
to 4.00 pm (not-so-prompt)
A mere ÂŁ35.00. Payable in advance (no payment on the day please).
Places are limited so please book early. Hey, why not do it now!
Book your online, via credit card or paypal. Just click here
PelhamsPark, Millhams Road, Kinson,Bournemouth, BH10 7LH
Drop me a line via my Stay In Touch page.