I am a best selling writer. And so is Lynn Hackles. Here is the picture of us recording these words on film.
No, we have not gone mad. No, we have not just hit the best seller lists. And no I am not pregnant – just forgot to hold my stomach in! We were both attending a brilliant course at Caerleon Writers Holiday in Wales, run by a lady called Solange Hando called Make It Happen In 2012. The course was about motivation and one of the exercises she asked us to do was to state out loud what we wanted to become, as if it was happening now. You wouldn’t believe how motivating this was. Try it and see. And let me know how you got on.
Solange’s other tips included making an Olympic style chart listing five things we wanted to achieve and pinning it over your desk where you can see it every day and brainwash your subconscious into making it reality. Another creative visualisation task, which is very effective. Here is mine:
Another of Solange’s tips was to publicly state your goals. It’s a lot harder to renege on goals that you have publicly declared you will do. So, I have just done this too – to you all. (That’s if you can read it!) But I know what it means, which is the main thing. Please feel free to nag me at intervals. And if you would like me to nag you too. Let me know.
The whole course was a delight. In fact, Caerleon was a delight. The atmosphere was amazing. Anne and Gerry Hobbs are wonderful hosts. Being among a hundred plus writers for a week was incredibly inspiring. The food was awesome. I am heavier and happier for having spent a week at Caerleon, which is an annual writers’ holiday.http://www.writersholiday.net/caerleon.htm
Next year’s holiday is already in my diary. It will take place at Caerleon on 28 July to 2 August 2013 and will include the following courses:
A Complete Introduction to Contemporary Romance – Kate Walker
Creative Non Fiction – Adding Colour to Technical Writing – Simon Whaley
Wannabe A Writer We’ve Heard of – Jane Wenham Jones
How To Write and Sell Erotic Fiction – Della Galton
And there are others too. I really recommend this, all for a price of £499
Hope to see you there.
Della xxxx

Nag nag nag!
I’ll see you at Caerleon next year. I might even sign up for your course {already blushing at the thought}.
I’m going to finish draft two of my crime novel before November, so I can start the next one for NaNoWriMo. Please nag me to make sure I do.
Get that crime novel finished. Why aren’t you doing it now? You see, I am quite a good nag. And yes do sign up for my course – I promise it will be very entertaining 😉
Lovely photo 🙂
I’ve heard some really great things about Solange’s course.
Yes, it was brilliant, Vikki. How are your feet? Hope you’ve recovered 🙂
Would love to go, some time! Maybe next year will be the year.
Sounds like similar techniques to the Goals list in Peter’s How to do everything book. I love the Olympic rings!
You’d love it Kath. And yes it was similar. And hey, I’ve nearly done one of them, which is just as well as I’d set the what I thought was impossible deadline of 3 August!
What a wonderful week. Kate set my goal so – see you at Fishguard.
Am looking forward to it Fiona. Lots of love xx