Is it possible to make a full time living writing for magazines? If so, how?
I started writing for womags after joining an Adult Education class called Writing for Profit and Pleasure. The teacher was Jean Dynes (she writes as Barbara Dynes – see her column in Writers’ Forum.) In that first class, back in September 1987, Jean asked if there was any news.
A girl in the row in front, put up her hand and said, ‘I’ve just sold my 27th story this year to Loving Magazine.’
Wow, I thought. I want to sell a story. Just one would do. (ho ho, little did I know how addictive it was). But how was it done?
By researching the markets, I learned, which meant reading the magazine. So off I went to buy a copy of Loving, which I read from cover to cover, several times. They bought the 3rd story I sent. Then the 4th, then the 5th. I was on the verge of giving up the day job when they rejected the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th.
We all know how it works. There are far more rejections in this business than successes
It’s always been like that for me. It still is. And blimey the market is much harder than it was. Back in 1987 there were 100 plus womags that carried fiction. In 2000, which was when I did finally give up the day job to write full time, there were 21 markets. Everyone said it was impossible to write short stories for a living.
It wasn’t! But back to my original question.
Is it impossible now? When there are a handful of magazines that still take stories from writers (who aren’t on their list). I think sadly that it may be. There are just too many of us out here. I know so many fabulous writers who get their stories rejected because there are only so many slots. So can we still follow the dream of being a full time writer?
I once heard a brilliant quote from Linda O Byrne, who at the time was fiction editor of Bella magazine. She said, ‘Don’t give up. There is always a market for excellence.’
I think she was right.
I’ve been a full time writer for 17 years. Here’s how I do it. I write short stories for the remaining markets. I am the agony aunt for Writers’ Forum. I have several self published books on Amazon which earn me £200 plus a month. I do some journalism. I do the odd spot of teaching. I write novels. Last year I struck lucky. The Reading Group was published by a huge publisher (Quercus is part of the Hachette Group) but I wasn’t paid a huge advance to write it which meant I wrote it in addition to not instead of my usual work.
In short, I diversify. My income is made up of lots of bits of writing related work. Lots and lots of bits which means I work lots and lots of hours. Often 60 hours plus a week.
I live in hope of having a best selling novel that will mean I don’t have to worry about money so much.
The bottom line is that I love writing. I can’t stop. I won’t stop. I think Linda O Byrne’s advice still holds true. Don’t give up. There is always a market for excellence. I don’t think I’ve quite reached excellence yet – but I shall never, ever give up aiming for it.
The Reading Group is published by Quercus. For most of November it is 99p. Not bad for 500 plus pages! Click here to buy/find out more. And if you do like it please leave me a review. Until Sunday 19 November you can win a copy of the paperback by going to
£7.99 (paperback) £3.99 (kindle)

‘Writing is so life-enhancing, isn’t it?’ someone said to me, just as I retired from the day job and sent out a first story. And although I’ve never aspired to make a living from it, I still find it so. I think it’s all about the licensed ‘nosiness’ that goes with the research 🙂
Good for you! I hope you never feel inclined to give up!
Thanks Penny. Yes. That is very true 🙂
Hi Maureen
Thanks for popping by. And thank you for sharing. I haven’t self published anything for some time but I will remember Kindle Scout when I do 🙂
Good luck with The Reading Group Della. Will share. Love your blog.
Have you used Kindle Scout yet? Looks interesting.
Maureen Brannigan
I’m just sorry I embarked on the womag journey so late and it’s sad that there are so few magazines left to write for (even less than five years ago when I first started). Although I’ve been successful in the market, my income pays for some nice holidays. Mr C pays the bills!