If writing more productively is one of your New Year Resolutions – it’s one of mine – these tips might help.
- Choose a market. Preferably one with a deadline like a competition. If you’re stuck for an idea. Why not try The Writers and Artists Year Book Short Story Competition. It’s for a story on the theme of Ageing and it closes on February 15 2016. Max length 2000 words. More details here.
- Decide what you want to write BEFORE you get to the computer/notepad. Let the idea stroll around your mind for a few days. The subconscious is a wonderful tool. Even if you just have one word. For example, I currently have Fire. I’m going to write something about fire next. I’ve already brainstormed the word for possible plots. I already have emotions attached to the word. When I start the actual writing I’m expecting my subconscious to come up with the goods. This works. Trust me.
- Make a Deadline Date to write. Do this with a writing partner. Set a time. Set a theme. Set a word limit. Agree the time you will write and agree the time you will email your stories to each other for feedback. Once you have swapped your stories then edit them based on your partner’s feedback.
- Edit your story one final time and then send it to the competition. Good luck.
And if another of your New Year Resolutions happens to be losing weight (as mine is) you might like to know that I have two helpful books, currently both at half price, on this subject.
How to Eat Loads and Stay Slim is half price for kindle from January 1st 2016 until January 8th.
Ten Weeks to Target (fiction – a romance set in a diet club) may keep you sane while you’re doing the actual diet bit! Is also half price for kindle from January 1st 2016 until January 8th.
Happy writing. And dieting!
The Short Story Writer’s Toolshed is perennially cheap at just £2.49 for kindle. £4.99 paperback.

Thank you again Della. Another full of advice blog – much appreciated x
Useful stuff here Della. You always sound positive and it is a joy to read your posts.
Thanks Linda, thanks Sue 🙂 Positive gets you a long way in my book! pun intended.