I have just heard that my short story, In Search of a Hero, which was published in the autumn edition of Scribble magazine has been voted the best short story of the issue and hence I have won first prize £75.00 – yay!
Scribble is a small press magazine edited by a very nice man called David Howarth and they run ongoing short story competitions. How it works is that you submit your story, along with your entry fee of £3.00 and he prints the best of these (in his opinion) and the readers vote on them. Then in the next issue, they announce the results of the vote and also – and this is rather nice – they print readers’ comments in the back of the issue on all of the stories in the previous issue.
My story was a male viewpoint story about a guy returning home after his brother had been killed. I was rather fond of this story. Woman’s Weekly nearly published it once, but decided against it in the end. It wasn’t really quite a magazine story, but I didn’t want to leave it mouldering in a drawer – well on my PC anyway – so it was lovely to find a home for it, and even lovelier to discover that other people liked it and thought it was the best.
I haven’t seen the issue of Scribble it’s in yet, so I don’t know if I had any nice comments, a friend of mine told me about it. But a nice way to start the day!
Link to Scribble if anyone would like to take a look.

The Scribble competitions looks good – I’ve put them in my ‘favourites’ so thanks for that Della. Congratulations on being voted the best story.
Happy Christmas to you and your family.
Congratulations, Della.
I’ll go take a look at the competitions as I intend to enter more next year.
Congrats for the early xmas pressie – that’s a bonus!
Thanks for the link. I’ll take a look. I need to keep the momentum going :o)