Talking to Michelle Ward on Phoenix98 FM

A while back I was delighted to be interviewed by the very lovely Michelle Ward on Phoenix FM. Actually it was a very long while back. But I’ve finally managed to post it. Here’s me chatting about writing and stuff 🙂

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7 Responses to Talking to Michelle Ward on Phoenix98 FM

  1. Patsy says:

    ‘and stuff’ is a synonym for Nutella?

  2. Shelley says:

    What a lovely interview, Della. You have such a beautiful voice. I would vote for an Ice and a Slice film ha ha. X

  3. Jane Martin says:

    Great interview Della. Feel inspired for a day of writing.

  4. Sue Blackburn says:

    Really enjoyed that and yes, you do have a lovely voice Della.

    Yay, Ice and a Slice and The Morning After the Night before as films – wonderful xx

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