Writing The Morning After The Life Before was probably one of the worst commercial decisions of my writing career. I knew when I began it – after discussions with my agent – that this book would not be taken on by a big mainstream publisher. Why? Because they deemed its predecessor, Ice and a Slice, not suitable to be sold in a supermarket. They felt it ‘showed alcohol in a bad light’ and might upset their alcohol advertisers. Who knew that supermarkets had so much control over the publishing industry? Tongue firmly in cheek.
But… and this is a big but… Why do novelists write books? Love? Money? Fame? Well, for me, this one was a no brainer. It’s feedback from my readers. I have been touched beyond words by the number of people who have emailed and messaged me and left reviews on Amazon for Ice and a Slice. Thank you so much if you are among them.
Knowing you have written a book that has changed people’s lives – in a good way – and that has helped them to face their own demons is priceless. Many, many people asked me if I was writing a sequel to Ice and A Slice. In the end I simply couldn’t not write one. I wrote this novel for all of those people. Once again, I have used my own experiences – as well as researching thoroughly the bits I don’t know about. I do NOT – just for the record – know anything about being a dominatrix. Neither have I ever had a cocaine addiction. Or some of the other wackier things that happen in this novel. But I do know what it’s like to be happy without ever drowning my emotions in alcohol. I know a lot about heartbreak and friendship and love.
Heartbreak and friendship and love are some of the themes that run through this novel.
Without giving too much away and spoiling the book for you – The Morning After the Life Before is about how SJ copes – four and a half years on – with sobriety when it seems as though the whole world – even God – is against her.
Will she even cope? Or will she cave in under the pressure?
I must admit I didn’t know the answer to this one when I set out.
And I’m not about to reveal the ending.
But I hope The Morning After the Life Before might be as helpful as Ice and a Slice was for anyone who has taken the step to give up drinking. And I hope it might give you a few laughs along the way. Because we didn’t give up drinking to have a dull and boring life now, did we 🙂
The fabulous cover was designed for me by Peter Jones. Find out more about his book cover designing service here.
He also re-designed the cover for Ice and a Slice. I love them. What do you think?
The Morning After The Life Before comes out on 5 February 2015 and is available for pre-order here. Ice and a Slice with its funky new cover is available here. They are both £1.99, less than the price of a glass of Chardonnay!
Thank you for reading.

What you’ve done with the font in the titles is very, VERY clever. Love it!
Thank you for saying so Alison 🙂
There’s something wrong with the publishing industry when they bar a book for showing alcohol in a bad light. I think I’ll write one called Buy More, Drink More, Eat More. Bet the supermarkets would stock that one!
Fine plan, Douglas – it could be a bestseller!
Brilliant covers for certainly the brilliant Ice and a Slice and I’m sure what will be the equally brilliant The Morning After the Life Before. Duly ordered and I can’t wait 🙂 xx
Thanks Sue 🙂
How dare those supermarkets!!! They should be concentrating more on improving their own profit margins and keep their sticky beak out of our business 🙂 I recently attended a seminar with a top London agent and posed the question: Should we be writing our novels with commercial aspects in mind? She said ‘no’ but to write the book that the writer wants to write. So that’s what I did and received a very kind rejection from that agent:) I think in the end we can only rely on our own self-belief and our readers. Wishing you continued success, Della.
Yes it’s interesting isn’t it Nicola. Supermarkets have the monopoly on flaming everything these days 🙁
Re your comment about the agent. I think we have to do both. Or at least have an eye on the commercial market. But we do still have to write the novel we want to write, don’t we. Otherwise where is the authenticity? Where is the passion? Good luck to you too. And thanks for commenting.
Worth remembering too that agents and editors reject according to their own tastes and whatever reasons they give is only ever an opinion. I’ve had many stories rejected by one editor and snapped up by the next.
That’s true, Douglas, but I’ve had two agents try and both had the same response.
Good for you, Della, writing the book you wanted to write. It annoys me that supermarkets have so much say in this field. What happened to artistic integrity? And I think the covers are fab – very eye-catching.
Thanks Francesca 🙂 I love the covers. xx
Thanks Francesca 🙂
Hi Della
It’s very interesting to read about your novel ‘Ice and a slice’ and the publishers/ supermarkets take on it. Marian Keyes has often written about difficult contemporary subjects eg in her novel, ‘Rachel’s holiday’, it was about drug addiction – and she was highly praised for this! I don’t understand why the publisher couldn’t settle for selling your books in just bookshops!
Me too, Sharon! But I do understand actually. One of my novelist friends just had 7.5 k pre orders for her new novel from Tesco. When you consider the volumes that supermarkets buy it’s not surprising they have such a big influence on the supermarkets. Writing about drug addiction – yes I have read Rachel’s Holiday – is fine. Supermarkets don’t sell the kinds of drugs Marian wrote about 🙂
Roll on February 5th!! Just what I have been waiting for x
Thank you very much, cheryl 🙂
I am going to gloss over ‘supermarketgate’ and trolley straight in with my comment (sorry, I couldn’t resist!) I loved ‘Ice and a Slice’ and I was one of those readers who changed their entire lives because of reading it. Thirteen months tee-total and no plans for re-introducing alcohol into my life (and yet I still shop at supermarkets!!!!) I have pre-ordered my copy of ‘The Morning After the Life Before’ so the 5th February can’t some quick enough. It was really interesting to read about your writing process with this book – I’m afraid to ask how much research went into the Dominatrix section though! 😉 Good luck with the book Della x
lol shelley
There are countless examples of persons recovering from addiction that are now hailed and proclaimed
as heroes.