I was woken this morning by an Irish Wolfhound’s song, which if you’ve never heard one is quite something. It starts off woo, woo, woo and it ends up in a full blown Howooooooool, Howoooooool, Howooool. Not quite sure of the spelling there! Here is Seamus, by his empty bowl, he obviously considered it way past his breakfast time! Which indeed it was in doggie land, as he didn’t know the clocks were going forward!
And on the subject of Woo, woo, woo – I used to have another dog, who did this too. My sweet little Lindy from Greece. She didn’t do it at unearthly hours in the morning though – Greek dogs are far more laid backs than Irish dogs 😉
If Lindy wanted something she had other methods.
She would just give you the look! She had enough looks to fill a calendar!
Oh no, a photo call again!
But it’s a far cry from how she looked when I first saw her on a beach in Rhodes!
Her story, The Dog with Nine Lives, is out in hardback. But yesterday, Lindy went electronic. The Dog with Nine Lives is now available in Kindle. I think she might have said, woo, hoo!
The Dog with Nine Lives in kindle is available at a special introductory price of £1.99
And profits from this book go to my favourite dog charities.
I think Lindy would have been quite pleased.

Wow – Lindy is HUGE! Look, in that second photo she’s holding Maggie in her teeth.
Tee hee 😉
What a lovely way to be woken up 😉
To anyone reading this who hasn’t read Lindy’s story I would thoroughly recommend it – lovely book about a very special dog x
Thanks Teresa, that’s very sweet of you xxx
There’s an interesting leettr on this subject in this month’s WF entitled “One rule for us”.When I see a story in a magazine described as being by a well-known novelist, I can’t help thinking it’s probably something they’ve put together in a bit of a hurry because (a) writing short stories isn’t their real job, it’s not where their heart is and (b)the magazine, having commissioned somebody so well-known because they think their name will attract readers, is hardly going to turn a story down even if it’s not as well-crafted as one by a writer who’s dedicated years to the genre. I don’t mind it now and again, and I have read some short stories by novelists that were excellent, but it would be awful if that was all mags published. It would be like casting plays only with singers or TV presenters who fancied having a go at acting rather than with actors who’ve done their training and put in the years building up their craft. It might lead to the occasional good performance but something would be lost.What I feel when I read a very good women’s magazine story is that somebody is trying to put something real into words for me. There’s definitely a sense of connection that you might not get from a famous author who’s dashed off a little something for the magazine because they were asked to.
I’ve tagged you, Della, over at my blog. You don’t have to do it – just a bit of fun 🙂 x
Hi Della, cute pics. You’ve been tagged! Please come over and visit my blog (if you’re not too busy, of course). Thank you 🙂
At 6.30 this morning my cat gave an insistent “Beep, Beep, Beep.” She kept this up until I surfaced. Very effective.
I’m looking forward to reading your book about Lindy. Do I have to have a Kindle to read it?
I’m nuts about dogs too, though sadly my dear Betty passed away last year. I’m still bereft.
Hi Helen,
Your cat is very clever. They don’t like to be kept waiting for their breakfasts do they!
Seamus does it on light I think. If we draw the curtains he sleeps a bit longer – well sometimes he does. Sympathies about your Betty. I have lost dogs and cats and been heartbroken for all of them. They don’t live long enough.
You don’t need a kindle to read the Lindy book. I think you can download the software onto a pc. Or buy the hardback version, which is lovely (though I do say so myself 😉 )