If you’re a regular visitor to the blog (you can subscribe for free to this blog using the yellow ‘RSS’ heart icon over on the right and have new posts delivered to you via email) you’ll know all about my short story e-book anthology ‘Daily Della’.
Until now I’ve been choosing stories from my extensive collection of short romantic fiction, but from today, and for the next four weeks, each edition of Daily Della will feature five twist in the tales – five stories, each with an unexpected ending! Well, they were unexpected to me so hopefully they will be to you 🙂
Educating Nita – Daily Della #07
In Educating Nita, Lynn and Ian are beginning to get exasperated. Nita cannot decide which college course is best for her – Accountancy or Art? She keeps changing her mind. AlthoughLynn is a little more sympathetic than Ian because she remembers how hard it was to choose when she did the same thing. Not to mention how unhelpful her parents were. Surely the most important thing is that Nita is happy. Isn’t it?
Seeing Red; Gordon cannot understand why he is failing to get his features published – his writing class tell him they are spot on. Neither can he understand why Chloe Bennett, editor of Prime of Your Life, seems to enjoy torturing him so much. Then he discovers she is doing a talk at his local library. So he goes along to ask her – and finds out the shocking truth.
4 Oaks Drive; When Carol’s, boss asks her to show Mr and Mrs Hardy around 4 Oaks Drive, she is none too pleased. They are the prospective buyers from hell and complain loudly (in front of the owners) about every property they view. Will4 Oaks Drive prove to be the exception – or does she have to resort to plan B which is to murder them and bury their bodies beneath the ornamental patio?
Facing The Truth; Helen’s new man works in a health and fitness centre and he likes her to look good. But Liz, Helen’s elder sister, thinks his suggestion Helen has botox is a step too far. She goes to his workplace to give him a piece of her mind – with surprising results.
The 100-Metre Race; Carol’s son Toby is worried about Sports Day – or to be more specific the 100 metre race.
“I’m competing against Jack Wilson,” he confesses, “and he’s hot favourite.”
“Yes, but the taking part is more important than the winning,” Carol tells him firmly. But Toby still looks very worried. Because Jack’s dad has told him something entirely different.
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See all the books in the Daily Della series here