This week’s Daily Della is ready for your downloading pleasure!
One Step Ahead – Daily Della #08
Second in a series of Twist-in-the-Tale Daily Dellas – five short stories, each with an unexpected ending.
One Step Ahead; Maggie isn’t best pleased when her son tells her she’ll no longer fit into a size 12 dress, especially when he puts his money where his mouth is. “I bet you a fiver you won’t buy anything in a size 12 when you go shopping for the dinner dance, Mum.” Maggie’s confident she’ll prove him wrong when she sets out. Didn’t she read somewhere recently that dress sizes have gone up in line with British women getting larger? But who will win the bet and who will get the last laugh?
Hearing Voices; When Emma joins Talking Dates, she finds herself conjuring up images of what her dates will look like by how they sound. Surely it figures that a man with a gorgeous voice will be – well – gorgeous. But Emma is in for one or two surprises.
Mother Love; Family weddings are difficult at the best of times, and when the bride’s parents have both married someone else they are even more complicated. But it should be possible to put aside your doubts and jealousies for just one day, shouldn’t it?
My Gran; Sherry loves going to her gran’s for lunch on Fridays, even though sometimes it’s a huge effort. Like today – when she’d rather be chilling out at home. On the other hand they’ve made many a memory in her gran’s house, even though things have never been quite what they seem.
Car Trouble; Agreeing to car share with her teenage son was never going to be a wise move, especially when Dianne remembers her own teenage car sharing experiences. Things went badly wrong back then and it looks like history is going to repeat itself. It doesn’t help that her mother can’t wait to say, I told you so.
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See all the books in the Daily Della series here