I don’t know what it is about being in your local paper that’s special, but somehow it is, isn’t it! So this is just a very quick blog to tell you about that really. It was lovely to see supersize hound dog and me in the weekend supplement of The Bournemouth Daily Echo. Thanks to Faith Eckersall, who I’ve admired for a very long time. I don’t have a way of scanning it in – so you might just have to look at the pictures 🙂 But Faith said some very nice things, including the fact that I’m a writer – a proper one. And I don’t know what it is about we writers, are we all so full of self-doubt? But that is still one of the most amazing things anyone can ever say to me. Thank you, Faith.

Hi Della, How lovely, it’s always nice to be appreciated isn’t it? Not that you should be lacking confidence, I love your writing and having met you at last year’s woman’s weekly event in Manchester you are a lovely person too! Congratulations though.
That’s very exciting, Della. How can you ever doubt you’re a writer when you have written non-fiction, novels and a million magazine stories! P.S Love your gorgeous dog.
Well if you are not a proper writer, Della I don’t know who is!!!
What a beyootiful ‘hound’! x
Thank you, guys. I think for ages I didn’t feel like a proper writer because I hadn’t written novels, and then even when I had I felt as if I should really have written at least ten before I was really a proper writer. I think we tend to beat ourselves up – well I do! And yes Sue, isn’t he lovely – he’s just on his way upstairs to nag me about doing his tea 🙂