writing Inspiration
One writing resolution a month. All of them under 1000 words. How hard can it be 🙂
In 400 words – Begin with the words, ‘A dream I would like to achieve this year is…’Â
In 100 words – Write the Valentine message you wish you’d had the nerve to send.
In 250 words – Describe a winter sea. Be poetic. Use metaphor and simile.
In 700 words -Â Write a story about clocks.
In 50 words – What does summer mean to you?
In 950 words – Write a crime story with a twist
In 400 words – Write a monologue from the point of view of a character you’ve just created. Have them rant about something they care passionately about.
In 400 words – Have the character you created previously argue with someone who has an opposing point of view.
In 150 words – Write a letter to Writers’ Forum or Writing Magazine. Aim for star letter.
In 250 words – Write a blurb for the novel you might one day write.
In 250 words – Write the first page of this novel. Find a title.
In 100 words or less – Give us the premise of this novel OR of your next story.

Happy New Year, Della!
Wow what a fantastic list of writing exercises to do. Thank you, Della.
Happy new year and hope you are soon settled in your new home? How’s it going?
Della, what an inspirational exercise, thank you!!! Happy new year to you and yours, I hope it brings you everything you wish for.
Best – Nikki.
Thanks everyone for popping by. Hmmm, one of these days I’ll be settled Sue. Our house sale fell through at the eleventh hour (again) so for now I’m in temporary accommodation. Still, at least I have a roof over my head and a PC 🙂
Have a great 2014, Della and I hope you manage to sell your house soon.