I promised recently, on our How To Eat Loads and Stay Slim Facebook page that I would put my money where my mouth is and post some before and after pictures of me. The before being when I was 2 stone heavier than I am now. The picture headed up April 2006 was taken at the launch of my first novel, Passing Shadows. Check out my double chin and – wow – I had a cleavage. So it wasn’t all bad!

But I wanted to add a further photo to prove that I am still the same weight now as I was then. There has been no more yo yo dieting, thank goodness, because it is soul destroying, isn’t it.
The photo headed up July 2013 was taken a handful of Saturdays ago at the launch of my latest novel Ice And A Slice. And I am much happier with how I look (and feel) in this photograph.
This is why I was so pleased to write How to Eat Loads and Stay Slim. People I don’t know very well assume that I have always been effortlessly slim. But this isn’t actually the case. I don’t struggle too much today. I just follow certain basic principles, which work for me, and which can work for you too.
You don’t need to yo yo diet. It really is possible to eat loads and stay slim.
My latest novel, ‘Ice And A Slice’, is available now as a paperback and ebook. Visit my website for more details about this, and my other novels.

You look lovely in all the photos, Della, but I think the main thing is how much healthier you must be/feel.
I agree with Wendy, you look nice in all of them, but you look younger and happier in the recent one.
Hi Susan, younger eh? I knew there was a reason I liked you 🙂 That’s very perceptive about me looking happier. I was very much happier at this book launch than I was at my first one, for all sorts of reasons, one of them certainly was my weight!
Thanks Wendy, and yes I do. I feel great at this weight 🙂
I agree with Wendy and Susan. You looked lovely in both photographs. And, because you’re tall, ((green with envy)) you could carry off the extra weight and still look good. Having said that, you look great now. And, as you head for 40 darling, you have to watch your weight. Keep slim now and you’ll be slim when you’re middle-aged. xxx
Madalyn, darling, you are so lovely. Whatever you are after, it’s yours 😉
Thank you.