Tuesday 29 November
Beautiful day. Take Maggie for long walk. Get back at 10.00. Leisurely breakfast.
Must get serious about this. Sit and drink morning coffee on window seat watching view. Decide it will be good plan to do some stream of consciousness writing to get going. On notebook I have brought with me. Start writing. Was going to reproduce it here, but too embarrassed 😉Nice to do stream of consciousness writing. Decide I am warmed up enough to return to novel. Continue with Chapter Two.
Struggle. It isn’t blinking working. Maybe I should change viewpoint. Decide not to. Struggle some more. Check emails. Tell Maggie it is not working. Decide I’m lonely. Ring up friends. Have long chat. Feel better. Go back to novel. Chapter Two – still not working.
Have brainwave. I will write a chapter that is further on in the novel that I fancy writing. I don’t usually do this as it’s hard to catch up. But I am keen. So I do it. Works wonderfully. Fantastic, I now have a chapter that may or may not be in novel. But at least I have a word count 3500 words. Yippee.
Tue Eve
Watch a bit of My Transsexual Summer, channel four. No I am not a transsexual and nor is anyone I know (as far as I know) but I find this programme absolutely fascinating and have been watching the series. I think because they’re so courageous – how hard it must be to be shut out and shunned by your families just because you were born the wrong sex. They have my utmost admiration. I like brave people.

Dare I ask which genre your stream of consciousness favoured?! Hahaha!
Actually it was quite romantic and pink and fluffy 😉